Hamari Adhuri Kahani is an upcoming romantic drama, which has been directed by Mohit Suri. Famed for his notable works Aashiqui 2 (2013) and Ek Villain (2014), Suri returns yet again, but this time with a fresh star cast. Starring Emraan Hashmi, Vidya Balan and Rajkumar Rao in pivotal roles, Hamari Adhuri Kahani is reportedly based on the love story of film producer Mahesh Bhatt’s parents. Scheduled for release on 12 June, the film has a high level of expectations from the mass audiences, who have made Suri’s previous two films blockbuster hits. The music to the film has been composed by Mithoon, Jeet Ganguly and Ami Mishra. Does the music to Hamari Adhuri Kahani have anything that’s worth listening to? Is it as good asAashiqui 2 or Ek Villain? Read on to see what I thought of it!
To start off we have the title track ‘Hamari Adhuri Kahani,’ performed by the one and only Arijit Singh. The song has a nice eclectic mix of instruments such as the piano, violin and the flute; all of which gives it a hauntingly beautiful composition. Although the song itself is quite long, nevertheless, it is still a praiseworthy attempt on Jeet Ganguly’s part; who has put a lot of heart and soul in to making of this. In addition, Arijit performs well throughout the song and doesn’t fall flat anywhere. Though its impact is not at the same level as the super hit romantic number ‘Tum Hi Ho,’ Arijit has still done a respectable job and gives the song the body which it needs. There is also a second version sung by Jeet Ganguly, which is good in its own right; but probably not as memorable as Arijit’s version. This is definitely one of the big highlights of the album and therefore worth checking out.
Next is ‘Humnava,’ which has been composed by Mithoon and sung by Papon. This is probably one of my favourite songs in the album, which has been composed with a great deal of thought. I love the style of music which Mithoon adopts for his compositions, which gives it more originality. I also enjoyed listening to Papon’s vocals, who is not your typical commercial Bollywood playback singer; yet manages to do justice to the song. Another great tune which certainly deserves your time.
Following this is ‘Hasi,’ which has been composed and sung by Ami Mishra. If I was forced to choose one song from this album that I consider being my favourite, then it would definitely be this one. I love the use of the guitar and drums which gives a musically Western feel; yet the lyrics and vocals from Ami make it Indian at heart. Though the lyrics appear to be a ‘been there, heard that’ sort of thing, I still think the song overall has a unique style and melody to it which stays with you. There is also a female version sung by the wonderful Shreya Ghoshal, which is also well produced, with great vocals from Shreya. Thus, Ami has done an excellent job with this song and I think it will very much grow in popularity amongst music lovers and fans of the film itself! This will probably be the next ‘Sunn Raha Hai Na Tu.’
To sum up, although the music to Hamari Adhuri Kahani is not as great as other iconic soundtracks from Mohit Suri films like Aashiqui 2 and Ek Villain, I still think it has been well composed and contains a nice blend of musicians and singers who all give the album a soul.
I would say my favorite songs are ‘Humnava’ and ‘Hasi,’ both of which have a strong appeal factor to them. If I was to describe the music to Hamari Adhuri Kahani in a few words, I would describe it as ‘an enjoyable listen for anyone who is a romantic at heart.’
My Rating :
Cheers !
Jeetendra Mehra AKA The Bunnyman
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